Friday, November 27, 2009

Carl Is Gonna Be Pissed!

Things have been going really bad for Carl lately.
Boyle came out with Functional Strength Coach 3.0 and it was an overwhelming success. Boyle made more money in those 2 weeks than Carl makes all year. Seriously. This made Carl soooooo mad!
He has been obsessed with ripping on Boyle in almost every one of his blog posts since then.

The Bitter Old Man has also gotten in on the action and I'm sure Carl and Vern have been Pow-Wowing late nights on Skype plotting their demise of Boyle.
Now even worse news: New books from Boyle and Coach Dos! (see pics above)

Carl will be devastated. He will have a hard time fixing computers all day with his mind on the profits of his two most hated rivals.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Carl has a "Mailbag"

When I stop laughing, I will post something.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Be Ready

From Carl's post "Ponz-Lee Performance" (I gotta hand it to this asshole, he puts time into his titles)- "Is back? YES. Be ready."

This is so amazing. I can't wait until Carl helps coaches "take back the truth" (I swear he said that, I can't make this shit up) because "we are making an impact one person at a time."

He has now impacted at least 7 people, although 6 are from the Weston Public School system when he set up their computer network at the schools.

Be ready.