Friday, March 13, 2009

Carl Valle is At It Again

Carl is back and better than ever. I guess his IT schedule has slowed down and he can go back to negative posting about strength coaches.

In commenting about another trainer's article, Carl wrote:
"While I have not read his article, it is likely to be prone exercises like bridges or the typical swiss or medball slaps kneeling or standing."

Let me play that back again for you:
"While I have not read his article..."

He is commenting on an article he has not read! You have to love this prick.

If he walked into Yankee Stadium, the fans would start chanting "Asshole, Asshole"

He goes on to mention Gray Cook:
"Just like the chops and lifts from Cook proven to only be good for chopping and lifting low loads, core strength is not developed through these means."

Gray never says it is for development of core strength you fucking moron, read his shit before you comment.

He held out for a few months but he is back with his bullshit. Bring it on Carl, I'm watching you, fucker.