Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Six In a Row

As a Master S&C critic (USTF) and cryptic blog writer, Carl has a streak of SIX blog posts in a row where he rips on another trainer, most notably, his new "most hated" guru, Coach Dos.

Should Coach Dos be honored that the Great and Powerful Carl has shifted his focus from Boyle, (although Boyle keeps popping up)?

Did Dos beat Carl up in high school?

Did he kick Carl off of his forum too?

Was "Men's Health Power Training" Carl's original idea and Dos stole it from him?

Why does Carl hate Dos? According to him, he doesn't:
"I have nothing personally against this coach as I think he seems like a passionate person, but the evidence shared on his own youtube account makes me rethink his expertise (marketed and promoted)."

Could have fooled me (and did).